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  • Societas

¡Convocatoria publicada!/Call for Presentations published!

We are very happy to publish the First Call for Presentations of the First Inaugural Conference. Please read our information on the main page or in "Noticias/News".

Hoy publicamos la Primera Convocatoria para la Primera Conferencia. Lee nuestra página principal o "Noticias" para obtener toda la información.

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Call for articles/Convocatoria para publicar artículos

English Societas Institute is a new institute in formation that plans to research, elaborate, and promote new economic models based on socialist thought. Societas welcomes the submission of articles t

Hello everyone!

I am happy to publish this web site. Starting in November 2020, I will be asking for articles from writers and activists around the world. My goal over the next year is to publish interesting articl

Post: Blog2_Post
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